Waterfall Sphere…
After being moving all day around Varadero, we decided to enjoy the sunset at the beach, clealy we needed something to drink while waiting for the epic moment, and there is no better drink in Cuba than their own Ron Havana Club...
It is another way to see the world...
Few things can be as peaceful as MachuPicchu during the morning, that short time when almost nobody has entered yet.
Isto aqui é arte mesmo…
It is interesting how we can get an amazing shot from the thing or moment we less expect...
ICA is just a place where time itself does not exist
There are places you can go and release stress, but Puerto Viejo Limon goes to the next level, spend a day there and you will forget stress even exists...
Incredulous people would say I stack the rocks myself...
Antigua city in Guatemala is a paradise for photographers, old buildings and churchs everywhere...
El tico más dificíl de fotografiar…
This fascinating photography technique is one of my favourites
While waiting for the train I could not avoid thinking about the endless railway
United States, San Francisco California, 2016
While waiting for the street to be clear, so I could get a nice shot, I saw an old light blue color car coming right at me, this is the result of a 2 more seconds wait...
It was a peaceful night, fresh air, and the sea breeze, it felt like if time itself does exist...
These are a few shots I had the pleasure to take for Katy Castro at Imagination Agency here in Costa Rica...
Let the photos describe what a night it was...
Cuba, La Habana, 2017
A calmed place to spend the night, close to Irazu Volcano.
Have you ever thought how unbearable life would be without colors...
Gastronomy Festival, Costa Rica, 2018
A Black and White photo never gets old...
Unknown singer...
Costa Rica, 2018.
I have not tried it, but if their 5 years old Ron is that good, I could not possibly imagine how this one tastes...
Some of the shots taken at Imagination Agency here in Costa Rica... Model: Lucia Echeverria
This is one of those rare cases a photo is not enough to describe the moment, the melody those guys performed made everybody feel Cuba is your home...
Photo session at Imagination Agency...
Model: Monse Blanco
Music is the language of our soul...
Oscar Lopez Salaberry
Costa Rica, 2018
The cool part of being a photographer is when you have a hunch about a place or moment, so capture it, and the result is an amazing photo, that even though people get to like it, you are in fact the only one who knows the real meaning, and feeling behind it...
Costa Rica, Inside a car somewhere on the road, 2016
A place to chillax...